Hi, I’m Thomas

Welcome to my personal website !

I’m a data everything from France (replace with analyst/scientist or whatever you prefer). I work as an independant consultant (in fact with my wife) @Kantiles.

I often work with R for the Rest of Us.

You can reach me at thomas@kantiles.com

I like to build reports by hundreds, create dashboards that won’t break your mind or your computer, refine data workflow or simply help people to do a better job with data.

My toolbox includes R, Quarto, Python, JavaScript (mostly Observable) and some styling languages like HTML or CSS.

Checkout my work:

About PDF reporting:

On the interactive side:

If you came here after UseR 2024 of the Rencontres R, here are my talks :

On my freetime I like to run and take care of my children (or just trying to survive to this mess they create everyday).